Monday, April 14, 2008

Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks

Last Friday Sean and I went to the Giants v. Cardinals game with some of our friends. I was very excited because it was the first night game of the regular season and the weather was supposed to be beautiful (and it wind and probably high 60's or maybe even 70). I love baseball. True, I would rather watch the TV Guide Channel than a game on television and to be honest I don't pay much attention even when I watch live games. But despite that, I love the feel of baseball. It means the beginning of springtime, which means it is no longer winter, which means it's no longer my least favorite season. Philspunkter (or whatever that groundhog is named) has nothing on opening week of baseball. I love sitting in the sun and drinking beer and feeling like I'm part of a great American tradition.

And of course, baseball also means indulging in "food" that ends up having its way with your digestive system, if you know what I mean. I had some beer, cracker jacks, a hot dog, chips and garlic fries. It is Monday at 4:00 and I still don't feel quite right. I'm pretty sure it was the garlic fries that really did me in. We left the game early because we had another event to go to and we ended up walking for about 20 minutes before we found an available cab. At this point the "food" was starting to process and I wasn't feeling my best. About 2 minutes into the cab ride I realized that luck was not on my side that night. This cab driver was insane. He was trying to drive like 60 mph up Pine but he constantly had to slam on the brakes because, surprise surprise, there were other cars on the road not going 35 mph over the speed limit. The cab was a minivan and there were either no shocks or the cab driver had his own special driving technique because not only was the cab lurching forward when he slammed on the brakes, it was also swaying from side to side as we were barreling up Pine Street. Then to top it all off there was some sort of jazz music playing while the dispatcher radio was turned up to what must have been the loudest setting. Not a very relaxing cab ride to say the least. In fact, I'm sure there are still marks where I was digging my fingers into the seat. But to his credit, he got us all the way home for only $13.


Allyson said...

Sounds like fun. I like going to baseball games, but other than that have no interest. It's all about the food you eat. I prefer day games so you can tan at the same time. Oh, and the groundhog's name is Punxsutawney Phil.

Nicole said...

I agree, day games are way better. Well, I knew it was Phil something :)

Anonymous said...

It's totally the garlic fries. They do a number on the gastro, and you know I have experience in that arena.
hope you're feeling better, CHICA.

Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

oh dear! i hope you're feeling better now...